Integrated Engineering Group, PSC






  • Electrical Power System Protection and Control, Coordination Analysis and Studies - The reliability of your electric system is highly dependant on its protection system. A miscalibrated or incorrectly designed protection system will either produce unwanted outages or will damage your electrical system. We at IEG can analyze your electrical system and determine if it is properly protected, determine the optimum settings for the protective relays in accordance with your load patterns, prepare and deliver maintenance and operating instructions and supervise any construction process required for the system’s optimization. We can also help you modernize existing systems for using state of the art solid state static protection devices. These new devices can provide remote annunciation of relay operations and permit programmed or remote calibration, thus providing a reduction in operation and maintenance costs. Some of our typical services are:

  • Thorough review of your actual Electrical System.
  • Comprehensive analysis of the original design.
  • Comparison of design objectives with actual use.
  • Physical inspection of the system.
  • Review or prepare maintenance and operations procedures.
  • Recommend test equipment.
  • Deliverables: A comprehensive report which contain the audit results with recommendation on how to optimize your system.
  • Testing and Maintenance of Substation Overall Protection and Metering, Control and Signaling Equipment - All tests will be geared to the objectives which they are intended to meet and will be streamlined within the objectives. These test objectives are: Acceptance Test (New products first time applied and Test on each product received), Installation Tests, Maintenance or Functional Tests and Repair Tests. Tests will be performed, but not limited, to the following substation components in a timely schedule:

Protection and Metering
  • Current Transformer ( CT ) test.
  • Test for no interconnection between DC circuits or branches.
  • Continuity, polarity and burden test to all AC secondary circuits.
  • Complete calibration and test to each protective relay/device in all its functions.
  • Trip tests by primary, secondary, back-up protection and any other mechanical protection.
  • Local and remote metering.
  • Global functional simulation of the protection and control devices on the switchboards.
  • Capacitor Bank live unbalance alarm and trip tests.
  • Perform live test for bus differential protection trip.
  • Final load tests to all relays and meters.
    Control and Signaling
  • Voltage Regulation test.
  • Transformer Tap Changer Control test.
  • Complete Signal path tests.
  • Synchronization tests.
  • Customized Electrical Power Systems Operations-Maintenance Training - All systems require maintenance. Their performance will be directly proportional to the care taken to maintain it in optimum conditions. We at IEG can help your company review, update or develop maintenance/operations procedures for your electrical, mechanical and electronic systems and train your personnel to perform the operations and maintenance tasks. Technical training objectives:

  • Thorough inspection of your electrical system.
  • Evaluation of the equipment manufacturer's recommended maintenance and operations procedures.
  • Update procedures to your actual conditions.
  • Prepare a comprehensive maintenance and operations course, specifically for your system.
  • Refreshing lessons on electric theory (at engineering or technical level).
  • Refreshing course on specific equipments operation theory.
  • Courses on operations.
  • Courses on maintenance.
  • Laboratory and hands-on sessions using your system and test equipment.
  • Evaluation of the training outcome.
  • Project Development and Project Management - IEG can perform all the project development services and its total management. We at IEG have ample experience developing projects from the problem definition stage. IEG will help you to carry project development activities such as:

  • Design improvements to your system to meet the actual and planned electrical requirements.
  • Definition of design objectives.
  • Identification of constraints.
  • Development of construction specifications and a request for proposal.
  • Prepare procurement specifications for materials, equipment and labor required.
  • Evaluate proposals and recommend the best alternatives.
  • Aid your company in negotiating the best price for the required work.
  • Technical contract resolution.
  • Supervision and project acceptance.
  • Supervision and Inspection of Project Development - IEG can provide supervision of the development of your project and provide certifications for payment of completed portions. We can offer you a varied range of supervision and inspection services to satisfy your needs.




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Last modified: November 10, 2011